(1) (used) Hp 5890 Series II Pplus Gas Chromatograph 38-14-025

Listing Number: 27559338 | Philadelphia, PA US | City of Philadelphia 184 Seller's Other Auctions

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Starting Bid: $100.00
Current Price: $100.00  
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Buyer's Fee: 8.00%
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Item Description

The Hewlett Packard ( Agilent ) HP-5890 defined the absolute standard of gas chromatograph for many laboratories around the world. From the initial introduction of HP 5880A to HP 5890-II (series II) with electronic pressure control, 5890 is still widely used in many laboratories. Refurbished 5890 might be the answer to your needs to lower budget and provide with high quality analyzes. System can be sold as a stand alone or with computer and ChemStation. Computer can be new or refurbished if you are looking to lower cost.  Chromatography is the separation of a mixture of compounds (solutes) into separate components. By separating the sample into individual components, it is easier to identify (qualitative) and measure the amount (quantitative) of the various sample components. There are numerous chromatographic techniques and corresponding instruments. Gas chromatography (GC) is one of these techniques. It is estimated that 10-20% of the known compounds can be analyzed by GC. To be suitable for GC analysis, a compound must have sufficient volatility and thermal stability. 

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