Hobart Welder/Generator

Listing Number: 26029734 | Wilbraham, MA US | Town of Wilbraham 4 Seller's Other Auctions

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Auction Ended:

Final Bid:



61 Bids

Auction Details

Starting Bid: $50.00
Current Price: $1,600.00  
Buy Now Price $0.00
No Reserve   
Buyer's Fee: 9.00%
Start Date
End Date  [Extended]
Bid History 61 Bid(s)  
High Bidder S*****n
Page Views 3947

Payment Details

The winning bidder shall be notified after the close of the item auctioned by the auction website. The winning bidder agrees to pay for by certified bank check or money order payment and remove all items won at bid within 10 business days of award, unless other arrangements are made with the town in advance. Payment must be made at Town Hall located at 240 Springfield St, Wilbraham, MA 01095 (Engineering Office)

Item Description

Hobart Champion 10,000 

Additional information on this Auction

Will Item results be voted on No
Will you ship this item No. Pickup only.
In person item inspection information Please contact Dena Grochmal Engineering Department 413-596-2800 x 208 to schedule viewing

Questions/Answers Ask the seller a question about this auction.

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"Does it start or run? Does it generate electricity or weld? Are there any know problems with it, oil leaks coolant leaks? Does it include welding leads if so how long?"
- Asked by #20561179 11/08/2019 06:14 AM
This item has not been used in a year or so, ran and welded at the time. You are strongly recommended to come and inspect all items you are bidding on.
-Answered on 11/12/2019 07:10 AM
"When was it last used? Was it replaced because of age or failure?"
- Asked by #18266365 11/08/2019 10:26 AM
We no longer use this welder. It was purchased to weld smh covers which we no longer do
-Answered on 11/12/2019 07:11 AM
"How many hours are on the hour meter?"
- Asked by #18266365 11/08/2019 01:05 PM
-Answered on 11/12/2019 07:30 AM

Item location This location is a general area based on the sellers zip code. It is not the specific address where the item is located.