2001 John Deere Back hoe

Listing Number: 18667596 | Norristown, PA US | Municipality of Norristown Public Works 1 Seller's Other Auctions

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39 Bids

Auction Details

Starting Bid: $1.00
Current Price: $11,100.00  
Buy Now Price $0.00
Reserve Price Met  
Buyer's Fee: 9.00%
Start Date
End Date  [Extended]
Bid History 39 Bid(s)  
High Bidder w***d
Page Views 5591

Payment Details

Payment of the purchase price shall be made by certified bank check or wire transfer at settlement. The winning bidder shall also be responsible for taking possession and removing the bid item from municipal property within seven (7) DAYS, after payment of the purchase price, whether by Buyer or by Buyer's agent, Buyer assumes full responsibility and liability for the Vehicle, including, but not limited to, any bodily injury or property damage that may be caused by or related to the ownership, operation, use, or transport of the Vehicle. Buyer represents and warrants that, prior to retrieving the Vehicle, Buyer has notified its insurance carrier regarding Buyer�s ownership and possession of the Vehicle in order to obtain the appropriate insurance coverage for liability purposes. Buyer further agrees to remove all Municipal decals or identifications from the Vehicle prior to any use so as to avoid any confusion or misrepresentations about the Vehicle�s ownership. Municipality reserves the right to reject any an all bids.

Item Description

2001 John Deere 410G  Backhoe Needs new front axle housing, needs rear dipper stick rebuilt, has leakes from multiple sources.  Hours 6802

Additional information on this Auction

Will Item results be voted on No
Will you ship this item No. Pickup only.
Pickup Location Details 235 East Airy Street Norristown PA 19401
VIN T0310GX895990

Questions/Answers Ask the seller a question about this auction.

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"Is it drivable? Is it 2 or 4 wheel drive?"
- Asked by #10817774 10/12/2018 01:19 PM
4x4 and can not be driven safely
-Answered on 10/15/2018 04:16 AM
"can we see more pictures of broken houising and boom section"
- Asked by #14402067 10/24/2018 08:55 PM
The damage is internal to the boom and Axle, The Machine can be seen in person M-F 8:00-2:00
-Answered on 10/26/2018 05:23 AM
"Does it have ac"
- Asked by #16792024 11/02/2018 02:35 PM

"Sorry for the late question, Is this a 410G or a 310G? The serial # says 310 and the description says 410."
- Asked by #588486 11/13/2018 08:18 AM
Sorry for the confusion The vin was a typo it should read T0410GX895990 MAKING IT A 410
-Answered on 11/13/2018 03:22 AM

Item location This location is a general area based on the sellers zip code. It is not the specific address where the item is located.