One 20 pound bags of foreign coins mixed with misc. currencies and tokens

Listing Number: 17962711 | Houston, TX US | Metropolitan Transit Authority 2 Seller's Other Auctions

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20 Bids

Auction Details

Starting Bid: $10.00
Current Price: $315.00  
Buy Now Price $0.00
Reserve Price Met  
Buyer's Fee: 9.00%
Start Date
End Date  [Extended]
Bid History 20 Bid(s)  
High Bidder j********y
Page Views 1684

Payment Details

Payment in full is due to Municibid no later than 5 working days after the close of the auction. Payment is accepted in the form of Electronic Fund Transfer, Wire Transfer, and Certified Payment (Certified Check, Cashiers Check, or Money Order). Mailed payments must be postmarked no later the 2 working days from the date of the notice of award. Please note: It may take 2 to 3 days to process your payment once it is received. For full payment instructions please visit

Item Description

One  20 pound bags of foreign coins mixed with miscellaneous currencies and tokens collected from METRO transit fare boxes. These coins have been collected over several years. Coins are stored in a 20 lb.  coin sack. Currencies may include: any foreign currency  *** METRO does not confirm or assert that these coins are made of any pure alloy or metal. Contents of the sack have not been sorted. Item will be sold as-is, where is without expressed warranties. Excellent opportunity for coin collectors or persons wanting to redeem the value of these coins at a money exchange firm. A truly unique opportunity!  Due to the sensitivity of the vault storage area, public viewings will be prohibited. METRO may exercise their right to accept or reject final bid price at the end of auction.
BAG# B1822902

Additional information on this Auction

Custom ID 18-0824-01m
Will Item results be voted on No
Will you ship this item No. Pickup only.
In person item inspection information Due to the sensitivitiy of the vault storage area, public viewings will be prohibited.
Pickup Location Details Kashmere Bus Operating Facility: 5700 Eastex Freeway Houston, TX 77026

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