1997 John Deere Backhoe Loader 4x4 Model 310E

Listing Number: 14989747 | Erving, MA US | Town of Erving 0 Seller's Other Auctions

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1 Bids

Auction Details

Starting Bid: $17,000.00
Current Price: $17,000.00  
Buy Now Price $0.00
No Reserve   
Buyer's Fee: 9.00%
Start Date
End Date  [Extended]
Bid History 1 Bid(s)  
High Bidder e********y
Page Views 5427

Payment Details

This equipment is being sold in “as is” condition. No warranties are expressed or implied. The Town of Erving reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The equipment will be auctioned to the highest bidder at the close of the above referenced auction. The equipment must be picked up in fifteen (15) days of the close of the auction. The Town of Erving reserves the right to repost the equipment after the established pick up time period has expired. Payment can be made by a certified check to the Town of Erving, Massachusetts, submitted in person at the time of vehicle pickup. Buyer is responsible for all fees in regards to purchase and transportation of equipment. Upon winning the auction, the winning bidder must submit a signed certificate of non-collusion prior to receipt of property as required by MGL Chapter 30B.

Item Description

 1997 John Deere Backhoe Loader 4x4 Model 310E (PIN: T0310EX835259) with 6,471.8 hours of services.  

Additional information on this Auction

Will Item results be voted on Unsure
Will you ship this item No. Pickup only.
In person item inspection information Inspection of equipment may be done (1) photographically on the Municibid auction site or (2) in person by visiting the Town of Erving Highway Department, 16 Public Works Blvd, Erving, MA 01344 on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 from 1:00PM to 2:00PM.
Pickup Location Details 16 Public Works Blvd, Erving, MA 01344
Miles 6,471.8 hours

Questions/Answers Ask the seller a question about this auction.

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"Can this piece of equipment be viewed at any other time than the 1 hour window that you are giving. That seems a bit unreasonable for an auction that is advertised nationwide and we are coming from hundreds of miles away "
- Asked by #587256 02/08/2018 01:55 PM
Thank you for your question. The department is a small department without daily office staff. We scheduled a viewing when we could commit staff to be available to show the equipment.
-Answered on 02/22/2018 01:32 PM
"Let's lower the minimum bid, with almost 7000 hard hours on this one I would be in at $14,000.00"
- Asked by #587256 02/22/2018 05:55 PM
Thank you for the question. When the equipment was deemed surplus it was done so with the minimum bid of $17,000. The minimum bid cannot be lowered for this auction.
-Answered on 02/22/2018 01:31 PM
"I'm no stranger to buying equipment. This piece seems over the Mark starting at $17,000. Whoever "deemed it" ought to think about re-deeming it."
- Asked by #12743508 02/28/2018 07:02 AM

Item location This location is a general area based on the sellers zip code. It is not the specific address where the item is located.