KEN-A-VISION Microprojector Model X-1000-1
Harrisburg, PA | Dauphin County Technical School
Bid(s): 0 | Current Bid: $25.00
CHA SE-600 e-beam evaporator
Amherst, MA | University of Massachusetts Amherst
Bid(s): 0 | Current Bid: $30,000.00
STS Vision 320 Mark II RIE system
Amherst, MA | University of Massachusetts Amherst
Bid(s): 0 | Current Bid: $32,000.00
WhiteBoard Easel
Lambertville, NJ | South Hunterdon Regional School District
Bid(s): 0 | Current Bid: $2.00
Used School Supplies for Sale
Looking for used school supplies for sale for yourself, your school, or a school in your neighborhood? Municibid’s online government auctions are a great resource for finding awesome deals on used school supplies for sale, directly from government agencies. You can find used chalkboards, potters wheels, pianos, school desks, teacher desks, and more. Search through our school supply listings, and you’ll find a nice selection and wide variety of used school supplies for sale through online government auctions. Inventory changes daily, so be sure to check back often.