1996 Ford L8000 with Auto Crane A72 series (MB2716)

Listing Number: 5096398 | Boston, MA US | City of Boston 79 Seller's Other Auctions

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27 Bids

Auction Details

Starting Bid: $2,500.00
Current Price: $6,099.00  
Buy Now Price $0.00
No Reserve   
Buyer's Fee: 9.00%
Start Date
End Date  [Extended]
Bid History 27 Bid(s)  
High Bidder r*********g
Page Views 2077

Payment Details

Payment Details: Payment must be made to the City of Boston, MA with a bank certified check prior To buyer taking possession. The Winning bidder will have 4 days after auction ends to make payment. PLEASE DO NOT SEND PAYMENT UNTIL YOU HAVE SPOKEN TO US. The Item is being sold “AS IS AND WITH ALL THE FAULTS.” There are no warranties either expressed or implied which extend beyond the description on the face hereof. The City of Boston, MA Purchasing Department is not a used item dealer, and therefore there is no implied warranty of merchantability extended to this item. Winning bidder is responsible for any transportation costs for picking up this item.

Item Description


1996 FORD L8000  with Auto Crane A72 Series

MILES 5661




The Truck starts and is driveable 

Included in this auction are various metal weights which are on the bed off the truck


Payment must be made to the City of Boston, MA with a bank certified check prior to buyer taking possession of sold vehicle


The vehicle is being sold AS IS AND WITH ANY FAULTS IT MAY HAVE.”  There are no warranties either expressed or implied which extend beyond the description on the face hereof.   The model year of the vehicle is an approximate model year only.  The City of Boston, MA Purchasing Department is not a used car dealer, and therefore there is no implied warranty of merchantability extended to this vehicle.

 Winning bidder is responsible for any transportation costs for picking up this vehicle. Sold vehicle must be picked up within five days from the date of the winning bid. Vehicles not picked will be reauctioned.

Payment Details: Payment must be made to the City of Boston, MA with a bank certified check prior to buyer taking possession of sold vehicle. The Winning bidder will have 4 days after auction ends to make payment. PLEASE DO NOT SEND PAYMENT UNTIL YOU HAVE SPOKEN TO US.

Additional information on this Auction

Custom ID MB2716
Will Item results be voted on No
Will you ship this item No. Pickup only.
Number of Hours 635
Does it start Yes
Miles 5661
Year 1996
Model L8000

Questions/Answers Ask the seller a question about this auction.

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"Is the crane operable and what is the max capacity?"
- Asked by #566962 05/18/2015 03:50 PM

Item location This location is a general area based on the sellers zip code. It is not the specific address where the item is located.